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Create your online newspaper quick and simple

Create your online newspaper quick and simple

For new customers; Prenly has replaced Webnews (the original publishing tool for e-papers)

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One of the most established tools for online newspapers in Sweden

One of the most established tools for online newspapers in Sweden

School news

Prenly lets you create school newspapers that allow one or several editors to easily publish material without delay. Students (ranging from kindergartners to high-school students) learn to master the tool in no time and can then utilize their time to concentrate on the most important thing: the content of the online newspaper!

Association news

Condominium association, sports club, cultural society, interest group? Whatever your form of association, Prenly is the perfect tool to create an association newspaper or club newsletter. Besides saving you the expensive paper distribution, the tool lets you quickly and simply provide all members with current information.

Newspaper for your company

Professional, elegant company news for all your needs! Whether you want to produce periodicals, daily newspapers, employee newsletters, or customer news, Prenly is the perfect tool for creating a newspaper on the Internet. Creating an employee or customer newsletter is a cost-saving way to keep your readers updated on what is happening in your company.

Read more at Prenly.com

Publish news on the Internet in your own online newspaper

With Prenly, it easier than ever to publish news on the Internet. Prenly is a user-friendly publishing tool for web newspapers that is well suited to creating a professional online newspaper for schools, associations, and companies.

Editorial staff

Prenly is developed for professional editorial and journalistic work. You can easily add and remove editors or assign them varying authorization for the tasks in the online newspaper.

Reader interaction

Build functions into your online newspaper to receive letters to the editor from readers, allow readers to share articles on social media, and comment on articles. Incoming material is reviewed and approved by a member of the editorial staff before being published.

Attractive design immediately

With Prenly it's easy to create a clean and unique design from one of our ready-made themes. If you want to adapt details, you have complete design freedom with your own CSS.

Web-hosting is included

Your online newspaper is operated from our own data centers in Sweden. You can publish an unlimited number of articles, images, and attachments without having to consider bandwidth or storage space. We see to it.